

Oliver Spycher
Transparency and Technical Measures to Establish Trust in Norwegian Internet Voting
VoteID'11, 3rd International Conference on E-Voting and Identity
September 29th, Tallinn, Estonia
Adobe Acrobat Document 127.8 KB
Michael Schläpfer (ETHZ)
Efficient Vote Authorization in Coercion-Resistant Internet Voting
VoteID'11, 3rd International Conference on E-Voting and Identity
September 29th, Tallinn, Estonia
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.4 MB
Oliver Spycher
Measures to Establish Trust in Internet Voting
Medzinárodná Konferencia eVoting
September 27th, Bratislava, Slovakia
Adobe Acrobat Document 102.5 KB
Oliver Spycher
Measures to Establish Trust in Internet Voting
ICEGOV'11, 5th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance
September 26th, Tallin Estonia
Adobe Acrobat Document 86.0 KB
Oliver Spycher
Transparency and Technical Measures to Establish Trust in Norwegian Internet Voting
Norwegian E-Vote 2011 Conference
September 11th, Oslo, Norway
Adobe Acrobat Document 990.7 KB
Rolf Haenni
Secure Internet Voting on Limited Devices with Anonymized DSA Public Keys
EVT/WOTE'11, Electronic Voting Technology Workshop/Workshop on Trustworthy Elections
August 9th, San Francisco, USA
Adobe Acrobat Document 281.9 KB
Reto Koenig
How to Store Some Secrets
Dagstuhl Seminar on "Verifiable Elections and the Public"
July 13th, Dagstuhl Germany
Adobe Acrobat Document 3.2 MB
Rolf Haenni
Secure Internet Voting on an Untrusted Platform
Dagstuhl Seminar on "Verifiable Elections and the Public"
July 12th, Dagstuhl, Germany
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.3 MB
Eric Dubuis
Transparenz und Verifizierbarkeit als vertrauensbildende Massnahmen beim E-Voting
Meeting Arbeitsgruppe Vote électronique
June 22nd, Bern, Switzerland
Adobe Acrobat Document 163.2 KB
Reto Koenig
Preventing Board Flooding Attacks in Coercion-Resistant Electronic Voting Schemes
SEC'11, 26th IFIP International Information Security Conference
June 7th, Lucerne, Switzerland
Adobe Acrobat Document 24.5 MB
Oliver Spycher
Selectio Helvetica: A Verifiable Remote E-Voting System
CeDEM'11, Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government
May 5th, Krems, Austria
Adobe Acrobat Document 179.8 KB
Reto Koenig
KryptonIT: The Discovery of a New Cryptographic System for Storing Secrets
BENEFRI Research Meeting
April 20th, Münchenwiler, Switzerland
Adobe Acrobat Document 7.7 MB
Eric Dubuis, Rolf Haenni
eVoting in der Schweiz – wie weiter?
Science meets Politics, Swiss Federal Parliament
March 17th, Bern, Switzerland
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.6 MB
Eric Dubuis
E-Voting und E-Banking - der Unterschied
ICTnet Delegiertenversammlung
March 9th
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.4 MB
Rolf Haenni
A New Approach Towards Coercion-Resistant Remote E-Voting in Linear Time
FC'11, 15th International Conference on Financial Cryptography
March 1st, Rodney Bay, St.Lucia
Adobe Acrobat Document 230.7 KB

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December 13, 2024

OpenCHVote v2.3 released on