Tuesday, October 22nd, 13:30h-17:00h
Biel, Höheweg 80, Seminar Room N.316
Richard Hill
Challenging the Geneva E-Voting System in Court
Philippe Oechslin (Objectif Sécurité SA)
Implementing a verifiable voting protocol: First lessons learned from a proof of concept
Thursday, November 21st, 14:30h-17:30h
Biel, Höheweg 80, Seminar Room N.316
Oksana Kulyk (TU Darmstadt)
Boardroom Voting with Ballot Design Flexibility
Christian Lutz (University of Fribourg)
Elliptitische Kurven in UniCrypt und UniVote
Tuesday, December 17th, 13:30h-16:30h
Biel, Höheweg 80, Seminar Room N.316
Gian Poltéra (Hochschule Rapperswil)
SafeSlinger – An Easy-to-use and Secure Approach for Human Trust Establishment
Michael Schläpfer (ETH Zürich)
Characterization of Secure Human-Server Communication
Tuesday, January 21st, 15:00h-16:30h
Biel, Höheweg 80, Seminar Room N.316
Oliver Spycher (Swiss Federal Chancellery)
Verifizierbarkeit in der Verordnung der BK über die elektronische Stimmabgabe