The objective of the TrustVote project was to establish a process dedicated to improving the current situation regarding the application of e-voting in Switzerland. Using appropriate trust- and
attack models, the e-voting systems of Geneva, Neuchatel and Zurich were the primary subjects to our analysis and critisism.
Our work was strongly motivated by the perception that e-voting systems need to ground on transparency instead of secrecy in order to be accepted as secure and trustworthy in the long run. We
argue that transparency is not achieved as long as the public is unable to verify the correct execution of each e-voting related step involved in the voting process.
We have designed and implemented our TrustVote protocol and introduced it at the Swiss E-Voting Workshop 2009.
Project Data
Duration: January 2008 - June 2009
Budget: CHF 141'000
Report 1: Research on E-Voting Technologies
Report 2: TrustVote: A Hybrid E-Voting System for Large-Scale Elections
Final Report