The planned activities in this project are motivated by the observation that many of the existing systems in practice do not exploit the full range of the state-of-the-art technologies from the academic literature. For example, while cryptographic primitives such as blind signatures, anonymous channels, and homomorphic encryption are widely accepted as indispensable tools for creating intrinsically secure e-voting protocols, they are only rarely applied outside of academic research. Thus, a very general goal of this research project is to diminish the gap between theoretical and practical aspects of e-voting, and to push the deployment of the latest research developments into next-generation systems to be used in Switzerland.
Project Data
The SwissVote project is financed by the Hasler Foundation. It runs from 2009-2012 in collaboration with Prof. Ulrich Ultes-Nitsche from the University of Fribourg. The project budget for 3 years is CHF 351'000.